Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01461

Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:04:35 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Just how "natural" BEAM circuits can be

Hello All!
Just thought I'd tell those of you like myself who have been deeply into
experimenting with bicores lately. In Bio class, we were playing around with
planaria, a tiny little flatworm. We were supposed to be cutting them in half
to see their regenterative powers, but mine were much too cute. I dropped a
bit of food into the petri dish (todays menu: macerated liver). The worms
raised their little wormish heads off the bottom of the dish and began to
oscillate them back and forth. Get this, the heads moved more towards the
side of the head where the food is. They continued moving their heads back
and forth until the heads were moving equally in both directions, and it then
they proceeded onward. I repeated this several times, and they kept repeating
the same behavior, until the must have been full. Remind you of something?
This is definetely cool.


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