Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01451
To: "''"
From: "Feser, Jason"
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:57:07 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] walker process probs....
Maybe you guys could help me out. I've breadboarded a 'miller-style
walker', but am having some problems controlling the microcore. If I
disconnect the 74HC245 motor driver, I can get the microcore to produce the
results I'm looking for. I can cycle through the processes properly, and
add or subtract processes from the loop, but as soon as I add the motor
driver, it goes into its 'saturated' state. My walker does achieve forward
motion, but it does it by rotating the front motor clockwise and the rear
counter clockwise at the same time and visa versa. As I understand it, it
should move the front motor clockwise, then the back counterclockwise, then
the front counter, with one motion coming after the other. Is this normal?
Should it be moving two motors at the same time???
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks boyz...
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