Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01418

From: Justin
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 19:09:36 +1300
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Motor Hunts

> >There's a difference for the storekeeper between
> >selling new components that he can put to use or giving away crap that is
> >broken and has no use to him and which he'd just have to throw away
> >otherwise.
> Whenever I go to a repair place for pages they always say they send the
> pagers back to the manufacture and they don't have any.

Ask them who/where the manufacturer is
I zig-zagged across town following the referrals until I eventually got
to the place where they actually did physical repairs on the premises. I
think it depends on the brand.
Remember that cell-phones have good motors in them too, and I suspect
they're more likely to be repaired that pagers, as they're generally
worth more thus slightly less susceptable to our disposable culture.
However, I seem to recall that you were selling around about two
_hundred_ Namiki pager motors last year, so you must be doing
_something_ right :-)

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