Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01370

To: Evan Kwong, Beam
From: dennison
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:09:38 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Lizard-bot

Yeh maybe, but having built a snake I can safely say, there isn't any point
to adding legs. It will only mess things up. The snakebot does't 'slither'
like real snake or perhpas like Mark T's Manta Ray (??) does. It's a
tumbler robot. Very much like a turbot.


>Hey all:
>No no, I haven't built one, but this idea just came up.
>A Snake. A Walker. How about a snake that walks? I do not have the
>experience to build such a robot yet, so I'm just throwing this idea out in
>hopes of someone creating it.
>Is this as simple as taking a 4 motor walker, adding one or two horizontal
>joints in the middle, and have it controlled by 6 pulses of a microcore?
>Perhaps not. I have no clue.
>This is not such a farfetched idea, so I thought I'd share it.
>Keep on building,
>P.S. It's copyrighted, this idea! Just kidding.

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