Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01368
To: "Beam"
From: "Evan Kwong"
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 23:50:47 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Lizard-bot
Hey all:
No no, I haven't built one, but this idea just came up.
A Snake. A Walker. How about a snake that walks? I do not have the
experience to build such a robot yet, so I'm just throwing this idea out in
hopes of someone creating it.
Is this as simple as taking a 4 motor walker, adding one or two horizontal
joints in the middle, and have it controlled by 6 pulses of a microcore?
Perhaps not. I have no clue.
This is not such a farfetched idea, so I thought I'd share it.
Keep on building,
P.S. It's copyrighted, this idea! Just kidding.
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