Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01330

To: Tom Rowton
From: James Wilson
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 20:40:48 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: To all the other 'new guys'

This issue has come up before and I believe it will continue to come up. I
have in some recent dumpster dive found several heat sink fans. I plan to do
some experimenting and come up with a do it your self toxin remover. The
capitalist in me says keep your mouth shut but the Samaritan in me says not
everyone can afford a hepa filter for their desk top. In the mean time have
you considered a smokeless ash tray?


Tom Rowton wrote:

> from a newbie.
> When you read in all the soldering tutorials about making sure your work
> area is well ventilated....
> ...they're not kidding. The fumes can be dangerous, as my pounding headache
> can testify. And all I was doing was de-soldering a couple of resistors.
> Buy a small fan, save the aspirin.
> trowt

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