Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01321

From: Justin
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 03:28:41 +1300
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Question on sensors..:)

> Now i shall add another q.
> when the bot reverser times out, won't the bot just head straight back into
> the wall?

Again, it depends on the bot. If you've got a two-motor photovore, you
can have a reverser for each motor, so that when the bot goes into
reverse, it rotates on the spot in the direction away from the wall.
You can do variations - perhaps the reverser reverses one motor and
stops the other, thus it turns and backs away at the same time. Or the
reverser reverses the entire robot, but it's built like a cheap RC car,
which turns while in reverse, or... space>


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