Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01294

To: trlmotor,
From: dennison
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 21:27:42 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BG Micro Lense Motors

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Geez, a guy comes up with an idea to sell a few gearmotors to some people a=
nd then EVERYONE jumps on the bandwagon. Capitalist pigs! Oh well.


Hello beam list, =

T.R.L. Enterprises, is pleased to announced that we are negotiating wit=
h the manufacture of BG Micro Lense Motors. =

If you are interested in purchasing these motors, Please email inquiries to= =

please use form below: (Copy and paste to a new e-mail) =




Name: =

Address: =

City: St=
ate/Provence: =

Country: Zip/P=
ostal Code: =

Qty wanted: =

Please indicate if you will be a repeat customer. (Yes/No): =



We will notify you by email quantity onhand, data sheets, cost of the T.R.L=
. Motors. =

This is not a order form, however, an inquiry on demand of this item. =

So that we will know how much to order from the supplier. =

eGroup home:
Free Web-based e-mail groups by

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sp;            =
sp;            =

State/Provence: =

Country:        =
sp;            =
sp;    =

Zip/Postal Code:

Qty wanted: =

Please indicate if you will be a repeat customer. =


We will notify you by email quantity onhand, data sheets, cost of the T.=
R.L. =

Motors. =

This is not a order form, however, an inquiry on demand of thi=
s =


So that we will know how much to order from the supplier.

eGroup home: http://www.eG=">">http://www.eG=

Free Web-based e-mail groups by www.eGro=">">www.eGro=
