Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01247
From: woodward
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 23:46:18 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Microcore help...
Dear list...
I'm having a bit of trouble with my first microcore.. I breadboarded it
yesterday and it worked fine switching between all the different states
but now it's not... :(
I'm using one of those rectangular 9V batteries to power it. When I hook
it up it starts up normally then stops on the third LED which stays
on... I thought I blew the 74HC14 (is that easy to do?) so I popped in
another and now when I hook it up the third LED blinks once then there
is nothing... I'd try again but I only have two IC's left....
I looked around and though there is lots of great info for debugging the
microcore I couldn't find anything to help with this problem... If
anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated...
This message was a figment of your imagination..
Clint Woodward "Psykoninja"
ICQ - 5298874
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