Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01220

To: Beam List
From: Jason De Jong
Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 7:36 AM
Subject: A total difference typye of bot

When I first decided to join the beam groupI heard about it through a
article in a magizine. It talked alot about different bots that Mark Tilden
had built at the time I was interested in the walkers and photovores, but
now after being in beam for a while I am interested in another type of bot
that the article metions. These bots move by themselves but did not have
their own solar panels instead they moved around connecting to plant like
solar collectors that charged these bots and then let them go. I recently
have lost the article so I can not be sure that all of this is right. Yet I
am interest in creating something like this and have been searching for
webpages about them or with pictures of one but can not find any. Has
anyone ever built one of these plants and a bot to work with it? If so
could you please tell me where I could find information on this type of bot
and any give me any help in building one?


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