Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01193
From: "Darcy Dueck"
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 12:46:20 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: questions
>From: "Keagan Schpfer"
>To: beam
>Subject: questions
>and third, is there a really quick was to desolder componants. I have a
>desoldering tool with a vaccume bulb, but it takes hours to desolder
>ic's. Is there a flux or something that will melt the solder, but
>nothing else?
>Thanks a lot for your patience
>KEagan Schopfer
Probably answered already, but...
My engineering teacher at my high school taught me this cool trick for
removing ICs or any DIP or SIP component. All you need is a good heat
gun (a propane torch may work, haven't tried it though). Heat the
circuit area of the component until solder and/or flux start to bubble,
then whack the circuit board on a hard object (workbench, vise) and
voila, you should have your component and a few hundred resistors on the
floor. Make sure that the solder that also comes out lands someplace
Happy whacking.
Darcy Dueck
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