Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01168

From: "Chris Daniel"
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 07:48:08 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Aquabots

I forgot to ask, to those have made an aquabot before - would
pagermotors work? and would I need to gear them at all or can I just
attach the prop to the shaft (with an extention so I can waterproof it
of course)? And if I solder leads to the solar cells from solar botics,
if I dung the end with pads in hot wax or somthing then is the rest of
the cell going to be ok?


Well some of you may have seen my renderings on my web page for and
aquabot that I will hopefully make. It's not going to be a aquavore,
just an aquabot. I want to know though where else I can find pics and
info on aquabots besides solarbotics. What kinda cap do they use? I
mean, is it really high so to swim down they just fire once, or do they
continually fire all the way to the bottom. I wouldn't think they would
get as much light once under the surface.

Afterwards, I want to make a phototropic aquavore, but I'll think about
that when this one's done.



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