Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01164

From: "Keagan Schpfer"
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 09:29:08 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] questions

Hi everybody. I have a couple of questions for all you electronic wiz'es

I recently recieved an isolation transformer from a fixit store, and was
wondering what i can do with it. I have never had any experience with
one before, and i don't even know what it does.

seccond, I was wondering if there was a program somewhere that is a cmos
chip identification program, where you just have to punch in the chip #,
and it will give you a data sheet or something like that.

and third, is there a really quick was to desolder componants. I have a
desoldering tool with a vaccume bulb, but it takes hours to desolder
ic's. Is there a flux or something that will melt the solder, but
nothing else?

Thanks a lot for your patience

KEagan Schopfer


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