Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01158

To:, "'Keagan Schpfer'"
From: "van Zoelen, Bram SSI-TSEA-352"
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:21:05 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: More Questions

> ----------
> From: Keagan Schpfer[]
> Reply To: Keagan Schpfer
> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 6:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: More Questions
> I have some more questions that i would like to know the answers to:
> 1) I have been noticing that when people want more current, they will
> stack the 74hct245's. Why is this? Why don't you put them in parallel?
> Would that lower the current gain?
What would you think you do if you stack them?

> 2) Also, I have a couple of DM74LS240 Octal 3-state Buffers/line
> driverrs. Would I be able to use these to drive motors?

> 3) What exactly is a multiplexer. I think it has something to do with
> reversing your bot, but I don't know for sure.
Roughly said
A multiplexer put the info from two or more lines [parallel] behind each
other [serie] so
it could be send over a single line.

> 4) I am still unclear what Nu nurons or Nv nurons are. I have the paper
> Living Machines, but I wasn't able to gather enough from just that.
Maybe the FAQ will help you here better.

> 5) I know that this has already come up, but how can I identify SMT
> componants. I have a board with a whole bungh of SMT componants on it.
> Can I just heat the other side of the board to unsolder them?
If they still will function? I don't know.

> Thanks
> KEagan schopfer
> P.S. I am sorry about that e-mail mess, but Hotmail isn't very good.
No problem


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