Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01150

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 00:42:32 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] HELP!!!

I really hate to waste your time, because I consider myself at about the
intermediate level, but I have got builders block. I just cant build anything.
I have all the parts, but I JUST CANT BUILD ANYTHING. I have 9 dead bots
sitting on my desk with combined 200 hours of work, but they just don't work.
That little crappy butterfly that you may have seen on my site
(sorry for the bad picture)
That bot took me 14 hours! and 4 SE before I got it right and it still doesnt
work to well. Has anyone else hit one of these DEAD STOPS in building. You try
for hours but you just cant get anything to work? Last bot I tried to make I
ended up breaking 3 other things (my lamp, pager motor gear box, and my fist.
and in the end the bot didnt even work. Someone give me something that I can
make that is easy and I haven't made so far, you can see what I have made at
Again I apologize for wasting your time with this message, but I am really
losing it here.


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