Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01136
To: ""
From: James Wilson
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 21:47:11 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Gearmotors
Well there are many questions about the motors I found and will
attempt to distribute. I have been asked questions like what are their
specs? Are they efficient? The usual stuff wrt motors. The testing I
have done to date amounts to wiring up a Solar Engine and seeing if I
can get the thing to go. So far with 1381j,n,s,u triggers all ok I have
also changed the resistor value from zero to infinity with the best
results occurring between 1000 and 5000 ohms. Resistance? Well it
appears to be 5 ohms at dead stop and right off the scale in motion. I
will wire up a biocore and then a microcore with motor drivers and see
what will drive the beastie. Just a reminder these are not small
motors. 1-1/4" diameter by 7/8" thick (motor alone) Gear box is 1-1/2"
by 5/8" . Remember for solar walkers smaller is better but if you plan
on using bateries...more torque is better and these babies burn my skin
when hooked up to 6V (4 aa cells) when I try to stall it. Will they
work with beam bots? That is really up to the designer. At 5 bucks
each vs 17-over 30 bucks each I can handle a little larger bot with more
power. I have purchased some gear motors that appear to be approx. the
size of the ones on Fang's site 7/8" diameter by 1-3/4" long. The gear
boxes are not removable and they cost three times as much! The size
differential is not really that much and they require (2) 74HCT245E
chips to drive them.
More to come.
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