Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01120

Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 16:15:52 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] One of my new bots

Hello all! Its quite odd, BEAM really has gone under an explosion of
popularity in the month or so that I've been gone! Anyway, in my hiatus, I've
made some very freaky robots. I'm working on one that's based on something
interesting I learned of about mantis's (manti?). It seems that in their
simple nervous systems, the nerves that control the motion of their head are
not connected with the motions of their legs through nerve-to-nerve synapses.
Rather, their head is controlled with one set of nerves which take information
from their eyes and point the head in the direction of potential prey. On
either side of their "shoulders" their are tiny little hairs which, when
touched, cause the leg nervous system to be stimulated. So, when the head is
pointed to the left, the left hairs are stimulated, and the legs strike the
body to the left. Interesting eh?


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