Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01116

To: "'BEAM Mailing List'"
From: Loo Lit Tein
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 02:32:33 +0800
Subject: [alt-beam] List Digest

Hi all,

As everyday, i received hundred over emails, I am wondering if there is =
a digest option like compiling the emails of the whole day and release =
to the receive instead of individually release the email one by one? for =
which i can choose for the BEAM mailing service, so that i can save up =
time for tidying up my mail box.

Please tell me asap. Thank you.

Loo Lit Tein

"Wishing you the joy of living, loving, learning daily and blessed you =
with health,=20
wealth and happiness"

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