Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01090
From: Jonathan A Wolter
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 22:01:13 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] is there really any Connection to biology as far as tilden's uCore/ Nv nets/ and Nu nets
hi all!,
Ok, here goes: about the Nv neurons, especially as in the patent and
for a uCore, what do you think about how those differentianting neurons
are similiar to the actual Biological Neurons such as those in your head
(yes in the old noggin(-: )?
also, there are in the biological sense, Inhibitory and Excitory neurons
in systems, but as far as tilden's invention and patent, is there
anything like that so i could more accurately model the biological
models. I think that the uCore is just really a fancy ring osscilator,
and not really all that great (in the judges minds, there are various
ways that this could be done more reliabily), UNLESS I can somehow
connect it to the biological side for my science fair... so i need to
know what are the similiarities of tilden's uCore and the real biological
neurons... Isn't tilden's really mostly just a CPG (central pattern
generator) and not really doing any nerual stuff, (the Nv nets that is,
or Nu nets for that matter.)
next, are Nu neurons any different as far as computation is concerned
than the Nv neurons, just because one is differentiating and the other is
integrating, doesn't really mean that much, right? (or can they even do
computation? -- i don't think so) or am i missing something? the way i
understand it, Nu nets are a sort of prefilter for the data from the
sensors.. but how does that relate to the biological side or the
artificail neural nets?
well, i just dumped a bunch of questions on all of you, so if as many of
you who can help with any of the ?'s, i'd really be happy!! (-:
basically, i'm looking for some way to connect tilden's uCore OR tilden's
Nv Nets OR tildens Nu Nets somehow to biology (hopefully all of them and
hopefully in some other way besides the CPG arguement (although, if you
know of any good information about the CPG arguement, i'd be very
greatful!))So if u can help at all, i'd really appreciate this a lot!
ps.. right now i'll be trying to connect my 2 motor walker to the
biological side of this stuff, but also i'l soon tring to show how my
more complicated walker is connected to biology, (hopefully in other ways
besides the mechanical methods.) ps. my more complicated walker is
supposed to be able to use a more realistic walkin gait than the 2 motor
versions, because it will have more joints and it will not drag a leg at
any time (as the 2 motor one does). probably it will have 8 or 12
motors.. wow, yea i know, hope i can stick with it and get it finished!
many thanks in advance!
Jonathan Wolter
email.... ICQ: 27102252 talk to me!!!
aol instant messanger: jcobbers
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