Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01067

To: Chiu-Yuan Fang
From: Steven Bolt
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 08:49:45 +0100 (CET)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: ARG, stupid 'vore! + V vs A (fwd)

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Chiu-Yuan Fang wrote:

> > That is a 6-cell panel, but the cells are too small for SE
> > applications in anything but the best light. That's why the 5-cell
> > 24x33 is considered much better.
> Many of my photovores use the 24x22 cells. They all do fine
> under a normal 100W light bulb.

To me, 100W is a *lot* of light :)

It depends somewhat on their switch-on trigger points, but I'll bet
that most if not all of your photovores would like to have the
24x33. The individual cells on that panel are twice as large as
those on the 24x22, which will make the `bots about twice as active
in good light. And the max. voltage in bad light doesn't suffer
much. In the early morning light here, indoor, not close to the
window, unloaded voltages were:

BP-242221 2.57V (6 cells)
BP-243318 2.53V (5 cells)
BP-378234 3.26V (8 cells)
BP-246618 1.92V (4 cells)

SunEater_II running fine on the 24x33. And it's cost and weight
are similar to those of the 24x22.



# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #

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