Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01065

To: "BEAM"
From: "Zulu 35"
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 13:21:38 +0800
Subject: [alt-beam] normal or abnormal?..and many more...

hi again,
i just completed building a photopoppercircuit... however, the dammed
motors are acting up... on would turn at a consistent rate while the other
would turn slower, and in short bursts.. however, when i grab the shaft of
the motor turnin consisently, the other motor would start to turn

translating this into the movement of the robot, wouldnt it mean the robot
would be moving in circles?? if thats the case,.. is this supposed to be
normal? (sorry but my concept of a moving robot is one that moves in a
straight line.. not in circles...
....hmmm.. is the cybug supposed to move this way too?

2nd thing... just how is a photodiode used?? is it supposed to act just as
a photocell does?? i.e. when it receives light, the motor connected to it
will speed up? if not.. how?.. speaking of photocells.. how do i make use
of one to control a motor?

okie.. one final thing.. is the BWP 41 (used in the pitronics photovore) a
photodiode?? it seems to work this way...

hmm... guess i've been irritating enough...thankx in advance!


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