Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00998
To: BEAM List
From: dennison
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 15:45:31 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Weird Bicore Phenomeno: FEEDBACK!
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Hey I just wired up IAN's single chip Bircore walker circuit with reverse. =
Except I didn't have all the proper part values, For example I used 100k re=
sisters instead of 47k. and 2 meg insted of 1.6 And you know what? I turn i=
t on and both motors turn in one direction. Same time. But then guess what =
happens if the axle leg ecounters resitance, (My finger for example, pushes=
against it.) The SINGLE motor reverses Direction! The other motor works in=
the same fashion! The motors ACTUALLY reverse direction becuase they encou=
nter resistance! Now I'm wondering if this is just a fluke at my end of the=
buisness, but I want someone else to play with that circuit and tell me wh=
at they get. This could have uses, perhpas a photovore that reverses becuas=
e it hits a wall and this puts torque onthe wheels or something. Also, I've=
just notices the legs have fallen into a synconization it seems becuas eI =
have the legs set up to purposlly hit something. =
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legs set up to purposlly hit something.
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