Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00914

From: "Chris Daniel"
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 05:52:13 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] walker problems...Please help

Ok, I've bread boarded a working, 6nv microcore. I used LEDs to see
whats happening, and it appeared to work. so then I rebuilt it, using
4nvs. Again, it appears to be working with the LEDs. I used two
74HCT245s to drive two servo motors, and now it stops working! If I
leave the LEDs in place (am I supposed to leave them or remove them? I
tried both) then I can see the the two opposite LEDs flash at the same
time! EG, 1 and 3 flash, then 2 and 4 etc.

If I short out the 1M resistors one at a time, I can move the legs
through the walking steps, but I have to short the resistors ONE at a

Whats going on?????????

ANybody that can, please help me! This is my first microcore, and I'm
still not exactly sure how it works, so I may have just skrewed up.
Where are you supposed to connect the motor "outs" anyway? I connected
them to the same place that the LEDs are to be connected to.

Thanks a LOT in advance



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