Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00878

To: BEAM List,
From: dennison
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 20:08:38 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: I have been noticing...

I doubt he would do a bulk deal with a bunch of us. Since we would all have
bought from him anyway. If we were to buy direct from Panasonic, we would
need to buy at least a thousand. So, se va'.


>> hey, about the group buy. If a bunch of us need the same part, we can
>> all mail money to one person, and they will order the parts. they can
>> just mail each person the parts in envelopes(depending upon how big
>> they are) for example, if 5 people pitched in ~$10 each, they could
>> get 100 1381 units from digikey, which is 20 per person. regularly
>> they are like 83 cents each, but this way they are like 52 cents each.
>> this could go for many other parts too...
>Well what about solar cells. Is there any other place other then
>or maybe Dave will sell us cells cheap if we buy in 100's?

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