Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00867

To: George Rix,
From: dennison
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 15:09:18 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re:

Here's a tip for makeing your bot more sensitive to light, instead of using
photodiodes use large CDS cells (1 meg, two meg) and maybe a resistor. I
find the CDS cells work better than photodiodes.


>Okay, I made myself a bicore-powered photovore last night (well, I
>breadboarded it anyway) and I was wondering:
>Is there any way I can make it solar-powered without using the PM1 SE,
>anyway easier, I mean?
>Also, it works, but it isn't very sensitive to light. I predicted
>(correctly, by my dad's estimate) that it would turn towards the light but
>VERY slowly. I'm using two 1.8 meg resistors with my photodiodes, and no
>trim pot. Should I take away one of the resistors, add a trim pot or what?
>Also, where should I attach tactile sensors, assuming I make them?
>Any help appreciated,
>Signing off,
>Rob Rix
>'If anything can possibly go wrong, it probably already has'-Murphy's law

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