Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00844
From: Justin
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 22:57:33 +1300
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: surface-mount components
> Where did you get a grab bag of surface mount stuff from? I've been looking
> for one for ages!
Coincidentally, while I got that one via my father (he took part in a
company tour through an electronics manufacturing plant, and they got
handfuls of the stuff), I was in South Island Components today and they
were selling S-M grab-bags for NZ$5 (US$2.50) with probably about 20-30
large components (IC's etc) and a hundred or so small (resistors etc).
Unfortunately, I didn't see any IC's that looked useful except perhaps
one measly HC244, but I discovered that the shop does have some
componetns in S-M in stock. They didn't have the logic stuff I wanted,
but I got some transistors.
Oh so close - to find a local store that I can just walk into to specify
and buy parts in surface-mount, but they don't have any _useful_ stuff
like the IC's and caps we use...
I'm going to look into ordering the stuff, which is going to be
problematic given that I only know what the parts are called in the
normal packages, and they seem to delight in making up new names,
jargon, and acronyms.
Radio Spares is the most likely contender, as they have local branches
in NZ and Aus, while I suspect most places on the web will be in North
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