Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00795

To: Sathe Dilip
From: "George Rix"
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 17:16:41 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re:

>From: "Sathe Dilip"
>To: George Rix
>Subject: Re:
>Date: Mon, Feb 22, 1999, 4:33 PM

> This sounds suspiciously like the donkey and carrot scheme :-). When
> the magnet and the strip are both part of and supported by the same
> structure, the action & reaction being equal (& opposite), the bot is
> not going anywhere. To take advantage of the kick as you call it, the
> bot will have to have different coeff. of friction in forward & reverse
> direction.
Actually, I've tried this before, with a bell, and it worked. The strip is
flexible enough that the steel plate whacks the electromagnet with enough
force to nudge it along. When done very quickly, it looks like it's
vibrating. It's really neat, but also somewhat unpredictable, as the bell
will go off on a tangent=8Bliterally. So don't flame this, because it isn't
going to levitate, it's just going to kick itself along. Like Mark Tilden's
Magbot which has the magnet scooch along underneath, and then pulls itself
forwards. This is just a bit more controlled, and can make an annoying
ringing sound all the while =3D)
Signing off,
Rob Rix
'If anything can possibly go wrong, it probably already has'-Murphy's law


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