Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00755

From: Justin
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 18:18:28 +1300
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: reversing photovore circuit - comments? (was It works,

> Sorry..can't remember if I asked you this already but...
> What schematic program do you use? They are very professional looking! Is is
> free/shareware?

Sort of. While the actual software is photoshop (I often work in CG - oh
the embarresment of having an email-attached gif screw up on me :-)
PaintShop Pro (shareware) would probably be as good because they're just
cut&paste jobs. Eg the 74HC245 was cut from the pdf datasheet, other
components from other schematics (mostly BEAM circuits from the web :)
It's probably not the fastest way to do things, but I don't often need
to make circuits, so it works for me :-)

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