Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00749
To: Brandon Quakkelaar
From: James Niemasik
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 19:06:41 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Just starting out
The best way by far to try out circuits is a breadboard, which you can
purchase from any electronics store for 5 to 50 dollars, depending on how
big you want it. I don't know what kind of "board" you are talking about,
but if it was a breadboard it wouldn't have required any soldering. To make
custom PCBs, you will need to go through four steps: creating the artwork,
putting the artwork onto a PCB, etching the PCB, and drilling it. You can
create artwork on a computer or by hand; you can transfer computer-generated
artwork with UV light, a darkroom enlarger, an iron, etc.; you can etch the
board with ferric chloride or ammonium persulvate... there are lots of ways
to make a board. However, for small circuits, your best bet is just
freeforming the circuit. Practice your soldering skills, and it shouldn't be
too hard.
Brandon Quakkelaar wrote:
> Okay,
> Just a little background on me, I am 14 years old so I don't have a
> bunch of money to throw into this stuff. Even though I really want to.
> I tried to build a solarengine. I did it on a board that i got from
> radio-shack and it was/is very difficult (for me with my limited
> soldering experience) to make this thing work.
> You guys keep talking about custom PCB. Is there anyway that I can make
> my own or do I have to order it from some where? If I have to order it,
> about how much does it cost?
> thanx
* James Niemasik
* James' BEAM Robotics Page:
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