Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00737

From: James Wilson
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 15:15:43 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: beam walker

Well David it appears it's time for you to start dumpstre diving. I picked (or out
depending how you look at it) three old laptops 1 286 1 386 and 1 486 all of which
had several 245's in the oh so convenient surface mount sizing. I just grabbed on
off the floor to double check and after 30 seconds I counted 5 245's 5 244's
remember the device is not really a motor driver it is an octal buffer thus any
computer that is currently manufactured or was manufactured has to have at least 1!

James wrote:

> oh, oh
> this had to happen, something had to go wrong, it seems my motors will
> work fine with a AA, which is actually 1.2volts (its a rechargable
> one) at *500ma* , eek, this isn't good, thats 5x 74hc245, which comes
> to a grand total of 15 or 16 bucks, with having to buy another
> gearmotor as well, this is going to cost me. However, the problem
> lies in that 1x 74hc245 cost $2.65 australian, total bulls*#% if you
> ask me (notice the australian accent). But there is a 74ls245
> available for only 80cents each, thats much better, but will it work?
> If not i'll have to find another supplier of IC's, or motors. What do you think?
> David Perry
> ____________________________________________
> I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
> insulted anyone, it won't happen again.
> ____________________________________________

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