Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00731

From: Steven Bolt
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 20:14:00 +0100 (CET)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: stepper motors

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Wilf Rigter wrote:

> I would say Richard wastes about 0.8 ma since the 1K is across the
> base-emitter
> junction. However the TO3 MJ2955 is a monster, bigger than the MicroCore,
> has an max Ic of 15A and an hFE of about 30. A complete mismatch for the
> MicroCore drive capability. You want amps? You need a power mosfet !

I didn't look up the transistor :)

What kind of stepper is that, for ###'s sake? Part of that hobby
horse walker mentioned a few days ago? But even this 2N3055
look-alike wouldn't need a 1K pull-up on its base...

And I don't like wasting 800uA. My `Son of Photovore' runs full
speed on 80uA.

# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #

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