Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00679
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 00:09:10 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beam Warbotics
Greetings List,
> any BEAM robot wars entry should be not just one robot, but a whole swarm?
> This
> probably wouldn't be allowed, but a bunch of bots following Richard's
> could
> probably overwhealm their opponents, even if a few are lost in the process.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that this is allowed. However, if two thirds (2/3)
of the robots are destroyed, the opposing robot would be counted as the
winner. About the overwhealming thing, I really don't think so. I'm far from a
BEAM expert but I do know a thing or two. Perhaps this is possible but I've
never seen a project as large as this being completed in BEAM. Yeah, massive
ideas for massive projects have been conceived, but how many have become
reality? I must say, I'm a skeptic of the idea that any BEAM bot (or bot
colony) could win at Robot Wars without become non-BEAM (I know, the meaning
is vague but you get the idea). I'll believe it when I see it, and when I do
I'd be very happy.
Although I may not buy into the idea that BEAM bots are robust enough to win
at Robot Wars, I do think it a great idea that we make our own robot wars.
"BEAM Bot Bash" How's that sound, eh? The criteria for a bot to enter this
"war" would limit the designs to BEAM. What these set of rules would be, I
don't know. (oh,oh. It's started already. This idea is never getting off the
ground because it's already started. By "it", I mean someone has a pretty good
idea but doesn't want to do the "hard" part of figuring the details. So the
good idea that has been "thrown up" just stays at that status, while others
agree and wait for someone else to actually do something. Just a good idea..
oh well)
PS: you know...there is a automatic bot entry class for Robot Wars, and
usually very few enter it...hmm. Just something for those of you "do-ers" out
there to think about (or better yet, BUILD about)
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