Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00648

To: Wilf Rigter
From: "Sathe Dilip"
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:08:58 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Regarding Copyright

Wilf Rigter wrote:
> Hello fellow beamers
> Lest there is any misunderstanding about xxxx(c)wilf rigter, the copyright
> is a bit of a joke to Mark T.
> whom I greatly admire! In fact I have no commercial interests in BEAM
> technology and participate only from a sense of intelectual challenge and
> satisfaction.
> Aside from the humour, (c) is my way of protecting ideas which I contribute
> to the BEAM community from the remote possibility that some may claim them
> for themselves, then copyright and exploit these ideas commercially to the
> exclusion of everyone else.

I don't know anything about the copyright laws but is it enough for one
to declare one's materials as copyrighted to gain this protection? If
it is, more contributors to this list may want to do so in the spirit
expressed above (i.e., prevention of commercial encroachment on
previously expressed but non copyrighted materials)


Pl. remove *s from the e-mail address to reply

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