Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00620

To: Richard Piotter
From: Bob Shannon
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 00:44:12 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Powerbook Disk drive

Richard Piotter wrote:

> ... I wish PCs had electronics eject! Imagine the abundance of motors
> we'd have then!!! Don't we wish!

But they do! Rip open some CD-ROM drives. There are some impressive
in there. Better still if its a laptop style drive like your MAC

> Seriously though, if Apple is ditching
> the traditional floppy for 3rd party 120MB superdisk drives, then it might not
> be at all suprising for a surge of used and unwanted old equipment...

Here's a major secret.

LS-120 superdisks have THE MOST AMAZING motors and gearboxes, all
packaged in a nice, neat easily removable square plastic box.

We are talking major Turbot gear drives here, with unstoppable torque.

The laptop LS-120 superdisks, pure heaven. A small plastic brick with a
motor and gear drive half the size of a BG Micro lens motor.


> with the old iMac going for as little as $900!) That equipment may include
> drives! I'll be watching the Macintosh surplus and refurbishing places for old
> drives, cause all Mac drives that i know f have a DC eject motor with a nice
> gear box! It's an akward shape and gear setup, but usable. I think people on the
> list have built robots with Mac eject motors.

Just wait till you get your teeth into the LS-120 drives!

These will be the stuff of BEAM dreams in a few years (when they all

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