Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00586

To: "BEAM", "Pete McCarthy"
From: "Dan Larson"
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 16:30:53 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: static sensitive??

Touch your desk or some large metal object near by to discharge any static
form your body. A grounded metal object is best. Just be sure your other hand isn't
touch a live mains connection . Then touch what ever the part is resting on
or its container before touching the part. This ensures that you are at the same charge
as the part when you pick it up. You can also use a piece of aluminum foil under your work
to bleed off charges. You can buy some professional equipment as well, such as wrist straps
and anti-static work mats, but the measures described here are good enough for hobby
work. I've never blown a part from static using these methods.

Oh, and don't pet your cat while you are working with these parts!

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:43:21 PST, Pete McCarthy wrote:

>Hello again list,
>I FINALLY received my parts from Digikey, and couldn't help to notice
>that some of the parts were "Static Sensitive". How do you prevent
>static from damaging your parts(without the use of a clean room)??
>Thanks once again,
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