Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00573

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:34:10 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: 240-based 'reverser' query

You don't need to use the chip as the motor driver itself. Use an H-Bridge. A 6
transistor H-Bridge is nice. If you freform it, like I did, it's around 1x1-1/2
inches and the height of the transistors and it's leads. It can be mounted right
to the motor. Otherwise, You could do it like my robot and have the resistor
leads connect it to the board, essentialy suspending it over. It looks cool.
It's Walker 3M, but the pics on my page are old. I'm officialy naming it bronco
because of it's "fit" when I first turned it on. 9 volts running through them
BGM motors!!! that thing was bucking like a wild rodeo bull! It eventualy
bounced high enough it landed on it's side!!! I threw an old LM340 to cut the
voltage and curent to 5 volts 100mA max, but three motors! GOSH that 340 get's
hot. It's temporary of course. Till I find a suitable regulator. I might even
consider a pair of higher current varialble regulators to seprately adjust lift
and drive swing! It's a cool circuit, cause it lifts and drives simultaneously,
and fairly consistently through the entire swing! It's slow cause of the curent
motor power supply and the fact that it needs centering springs, but it's a nice
alker, and shrunk in size from the original by over 75%!!!

This single chip reverser/bicore stuff is interesting! I'll have to look into it!

Richard Piotter

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