Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00568
From: Justin
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:11:43 +1300
Subject: [alt-beam] Robot ideas - contributions pleaded :-)
I've recently got some new parts that I'm itching to use, and I thought
I'd try to tap your brain for some cool ideas :-)
I'd like to build something small, but I'd like it to have a purpose.
My current ideas range from the totally-cool-but-near-impossible to the
pretty-boring-but-extremely-easy. (eg from a hunter-killer of any
intruding insects/spiders in my room, through to a toy for the cat,
I tend to gravitate towards challenges, so the cat toy is not all that
appealing. The hunter-killer, on the other hand, is too much of a
challenge (I've thought about it a bit, and I think I _could_ build an
insect hunter, the problem is that would be a very _specific_ insect
hunter, when what would be useful is a very broad range hunter that
could get most types of moths as well as most types of spider as well
as... etc.)
Anyone have any neat ideas you'd love to see made but don't have the
time to make them yourself? :)
(My personal preference would be something inbetween the extremes above.
Indoors or outdoors. Preferably something small. Something solar powered
(or using a solar-recharged battery pack), and if it needs consumables
(eg fertalizer or paint or whatever), preferably consumables that only
need to be replaced every few days or weeks. But as I don't really
expect people to do my thinking for me, just post ideas regardless of
whether they suit me - they might give someone else something to work
with :)
Any if you think of a great way to actively hunt insects, broad
spectrum, let me know! :-)
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