Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00547
To: BEAM List, "John A. deVries II"
From: dennison
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:56:50 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BEAM use (real world)
Speaking of which, I built a bicore head that does just about that. the
trick is to use tiny capacitors and tiny CDS cells. The scanning cycle is
pretty much completly eliminated (except in low low light) and the head
moves smoothly. The small cap and small CDS cells result in very speedy
phototaxis and in when it targets the brightest light source, it stops
'hunting'. The durration that the power is applied to the motor is not only
equal, but sufficiently small as to keep it from moving.
>Well, sort of. I don't believe that the Jade Mountain / Zomeworks people
>are particularly concerned about how the tracker is guided. I believe they
>are much more concerned with the mechanics and HEAVY DUTY MOTORs (not
>likely to be efficient, probably take multiple amps). Also, the bicore
>head produces far too much "hunting" to really be very efficient -- someone
>ought to try building one with a scanning cycle that damps out when the
>difference between the two sensors is below some threshold.
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