Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00523
To: "BEAM List"
From: "Ben M"
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:31:02 +1100
Subject: [alt-beam] Aussie Solar Cells
Hi all
I just heard on the news that an **Australian** team of scientists was
awarded $350 000 for their work in the field of solar cells. They've
created ones that are %50 more effiecent than the world's best ones. They
put one under a scanning electron microscope, and you could see the millions
of little silicon pyramids, and there were also microscopic grooves cut by
lasers, and filled with metel that was really efficient at taking away the
energy. They said that they were used almost universally by people making
satelittes and solar cars etc. They're really expensive though, completely
out of the question for us, I think :-)
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