Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00505

To: Wouter Brok,
From: Robert McIntosh
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 11:35:38 +1100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Pager motors

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content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii search for Namiki or pager
This is in England which is not really Europe.


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This is in England which is not really Europe.


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506 Tue, 16 Feb 1999 18:56:22 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: A cry for help beam Richard Piotter Of course we're making robots! I can wait to finish up some of my latest
projects!!! Spyder, MECI IV M, Bronco (Walker 3M), Turbot, Megavorus(???),
Roboaconstrictor, a 5 motor walker, Quadrapod, and all the ones I've already built!

I like the discusion. If you don't, then don't participate, but it always is
important to review the basics of what you're actualy working on once in a
while. This discusion is VERY BEAM! Don't worry though, It'll fade out (and then
return in a month or two! :)

Seriously, a debate over what BEAM is can realy make you think, a even inspire
ideas! (like the giant walker). Personaly, I'd love to see that, but don't use
my circuit, cause that thing BOUNCES!!! Hehe! (:

I keep promising I'll update my page, but things keep coming up (and the e-mail
is pouring in). I'll try to get it up tomorow. I won't be able to order my new
G3 till next week, so I won't be busy transfering the data from this computer to
it. I will definitely have the time to make the update this week. Ahhhh, 300 MHz
G3, 128 bit ATI Video card with 16 MB, 64 MB RAM, 6 GB HD, DVD, ZIP, Ultra SCSI
II, 56K modem, Video capture, and less than $2000! I'm extremely happy (:

Richard Piotter

The Richfiles Robotics & TI web page:

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