Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00502

To: BEAM Group, BEAM List,
From: dennison
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 19:05:20 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: A cry for help

Well, as you might of noticed. Before we were talking about this, were
weren't really talking about much of anything for a little while. I don't
think there is any need to 'quel' threads, and try to herd the conversation
back to actually building bots. When there is interest in a different type
of discussion topic, then we'll all talk about that. Everything we talk
about has some merit. I say lets let the discusion go as it pleases.


>Pardon me, but do any of you know where I might find a mailing list that
>talks about BEAM robotics?
>I thought I had found one, but it turns out this one is really just for
>discussing the relative merits of each writers interpretation of the
>philosophical/religious/ethical/monetary ramifications of their individual
>definitions of BEAM robotics. Oh yeah, it is also a good place to send
>over-size under-informative attachments (or over-size under-informative
>egos), to find out what a resistor is, or to find out just about anything
>if you are too overwhelmed to use a search engine.
>When I first started school, years ago, before I became an engineer, I
>studied philosophy, psychology, and religion. Discussions like those that
>have flooded this list for the last couple of weeks are the reason I
>dropped out of school.
>Is anybody actually *making* robots anymore?

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