Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00495

To: BEAM Group
From: dennison
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 18:18:53 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Misc Parts for sale.

Very breifly, but I'm not going to. For several reasons.

first, I don't have any intention of really competing with Solarbotics. They
are the stable BEAM company in the area, and it would be counterproductive
for me to start offering Sunceram solarcells at lets say, cheaper prices.
Unlike Dave, I don't particularly have a very long term investment. I'll try
to offer my services as long as possible, but remeber. Next year I'm off to
college, and then grad school and then whatever the winds may bring my way.
Dave offers' and will continue to offer superior services. For me to
particually compete with him wouldn't be helpfull. I'm interested in helping
out while I can.

Second, Becoming a distributer isn't easy stuff. It's not just something you
sign up for. There's money involved. Money which I don't have. I would
definitly like more SELECTION from dave, but I can understand. He has to
have some limits on selection.

so se va'. Otherwise I am interested in setting up a 'general store' type
deal for BEAM parts. I don't have money or time for R & D that Dave has but
I can still offer a pretty decent service I think.


>have you considered looking into a Sunceram distributorship? I don't
>understand why there is only one in the north american continent.

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