Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00469

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 01:23:03 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Misconception

I'd like to clear up a misconception about the cost string I started a couple
of days ago and then forever hold my peace. It was never my intention to
attack Solarbotics or Dave in anyway. I feel that as one of the only suppliers
of beam components, they do an excellent job of filling and shipping orders in
a timely and proficient manner. I have always gotten my orders promply and
accurately. As for the prices, I do find some things a little on the high
side. But I also understand that they are providing a service, over the web,
that fills a need we all share. Namely a one stop source for all the hard
stuff to find (except gear motors, but I suspect even Dave can't find a steady
supply of those suckers). I also realize there is a currancy difference to the
US, I had not realized that it made that much difference. If I have insulted
anyone at Solarbotics with my rants, I apologize, it was not my intent. My aim
was to expose what I percieve as a mythos that has evolved around certain beam
misconceptions. Many on the list stated those concerns better than I and
without my tendancy to emotionally over state. As for the kit thing, I promote
the Solarbotics kits on my site just like most of us. I won't wear signature
clothes or wear a shirt selling Coke-a-cola, but I do advertize Dave's kits
because they are a great way of getting started. After all guys it's our money
and we can spend it on what we want, just don't try to trick my perceptions to
get it. I have refused to work in advertising because of this. I know all the
tricks. I just couldn't sleep at night after storyboarding out a series of
lies intended to warp the opinions of prospective markets. Some of that does
exist in our ranks, but it isn't over at Solarbotics. It's in us. The market.
We decide what is fair or not. I intend to buy from Solarbotics until a better
deal comes along, that's the way the deal works. But it has absolutely nothing
to do with any animosity with Dave or his buisness practices. As a matter of
fact I find him kind of attractive and If we weren't both married...HAHA! OK,
I've shut up now!

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