Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00466
To: ""
From: zeroheroz
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 17:59:04 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] solar motor question
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After making 2 photovores that both turn in circles,( no
I'm not happy with this LOL) I thought I'd try my hand at a
single motor design since I was having such great luck at
getting one motor to fire. I soldered 4 1000uf caps in
parallel to power my solar motor consisting of 1- 1381-J,
1-3906, 1-3904, a 2.2K res and a motor out of my 17 year
olds walkman < hehe- BG>. All appeared to be great. ( I
breadboarded it first before soldering and the motor popped
harder than any I've seen so far.) To the point, after it
was soldered together I get 3.8 V. until I attach the
motor. Then I get .72 V. across the + & - & at the 3904
side of the resistor. I'd actually like to build something
that works as it should while I still have my sanity (
what's left of it) Any suggestions with the exception of
give up will be greatly appreciated ........ ZeRo .....aka
PS. not that it means anything but, I read all the posts on
the "question thread" and thought how nice it was that
those who participated could debate a topic so passionately
without insults or flaming, WTG!
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After making 2 photovores that both turn in circles,( no I'm not
happy with this LOL) I thought I'd try my hand at a single motor design
since I was having such great luck at getting one motor to fire. I soldered
4 1000uf caps in parallel to power my solar
motor consisting of 1- 1381-J, 1-3906, 1-3904, a 2.2K res and a motor
out of my 17 year olds walkman < hehe- BG>. All appeared to be great.
( I breadboarded it first before soldering and the motor popped harder
than any I've seen so far.) To the point, after it was soldered together
I get 3.8 V. until I attach the motor. Then I get .72 V. across the
+ & - & at the 3904 side of the resistor.
I'd actually like to build something that works as it should while
I still have my sanity ( what's left of it) Any suggestions with
the exception of give up will be greatly appreciated ........
ZeRo .....aka Darrell
PS. not that it means anything but, I read
all the posts on the "question thread" and thought how nice
it was that those who participated could debate a topic so passionately
without insults or flaming, WTG!
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