Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00457

From: "M le Roux"
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 00:20:13 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: hmmm...i wonder which subject

>Having a bot take on a job is a little over the current state of BEAM
>robotics, and is not really keeping in tune with the general "bottom up"
>approach..We aren't trying to make a bot that can get from point A to
>point B so that it can accomplish a set goal. The BEAM/bottom up
>approach is to make a bot that can start from point A and *not get
>itself killed* without even trying to get to point B..

How will we know when we have reached this objective?
Surely the required level of surviveability depends on the intended
I agree that one of the fundamental aspects of BEAM is
surviveability, but I don't think is should be an isolated (or
exclusive)goal. We will only be limiting ourselves.

It should rather be seen as an integral (and important) part of a larger and
more far-sighted design process. (not a hurdle to be overcome before any
further development can take place)

Being new to BEAM and the list, I hope I'm not being too presumptuous :)


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