Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00449
From: Wilf Rigter
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 12:44:18 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: hmmm...i wonder which subject
Geez, what's a guy got to do to get a little attention round here! (RANT AND
RAVE? 8^)
I already mentioned BIcoreCYCLES: walkers about 4-5 ft high with a saddle,
stirrups, and bridle that you can ride through rough terrain (like a camel
or elephant). The bridle controls a microcore with proportional speed,
turning, and reverse and big antenna "feelers" for collision detection. If
you release the bridle your walker stops. I imagine herds of people out for
a "walk". To ride off into the sunset with everybody else just set the auto
pilot on "phototropic" and sit back and follow the herd, your walker's
"feelers" gently tapping along the bumper to bumper walker caravan. Ahhh!
Dreaming? No, this could be done now! If you want to make it "real rugged"
use a 30 AMP "relay microcore" (or maybe just limit switches).
Now where to find those 1hp gear motors?
Wilf Rigter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noam Rudnick []
> Sent: Monday, February 15, 1999 11:16 AM
> To: beam
> Subject: hmmm...i wonder which subject
> (this thread was "question")
> Look, we can argue about these things all day. Personally, I'm starting
> to
> get bored. The one question of value (in my opinion) which wasn't
> answered
> was what real world jobs can "BEAM" robots take on? No one really came up
> with a good answer.
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