Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00444
To: Noam Rudnick, beam
From: Sharon
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 12:57:20 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: hmmm...i wonder which subject
The B in BEAM stands for biology,part of beam is that it mimics biological
life, so, you have to ask the question "what do we do?", "what does any
animal do" animals are not made to cary out certian functions (cleaning,
mowing lawns etc) we are made to survive. and then once we are able to do
that we can start thinking about other things like what to do with
ourselves. what is the point of a very intelligent bot, that gets stuck if
it runs into an object thats more than 1" tall?
just my thoughts,
-Jeremy Williams
At 02:15 PM 2/15/99 -0500, Noam Rudnick wrote:
>(this thread was "question")
>Look, we can argue about these things all day. Personally, I'm starting to
>get bored. The one question of value (in my opinion) which wasn't answered
>was what real world jobs can "BEAM" robots take on? No one really came up
>with a good answer. Yeah we can say mine disposal and data collectors in
>harsh environments, but lets talk about everday life. What role can beam
>bots...or any bot for that matter...take on in our houses? Cleaning??? Is
>that the best we can do? Little things that walk around and drag dust
>along with them?
>Now don;t take this the wrong way. I think beam bots are great. I like
>their life-like nature, but are electronic beasts the best we are going to
>I'm just throwing this idea out to see what other people think. MAybe a
>little bit because i'm gonna build a 5motor walker, and i want it to do
>more than just walk toward light.
>hope this at least makes this thread a little more interesting...
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