Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00438
To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 12:18:40 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Is a CYBUG BEAM?
I agree with the definition of BEAM, There is BEAM tech,a nd the BEAM
philosophy. I think thse two concepts need to be separated. There are many bots
built according to the BEAM philosophy, even CPU bots, but they can only be true
BEAM if they incorporate BEAM tech. I personaly think that we should see the two
seprately. A lot of people are thinking BEAM while building bots, so why can't
they label them as "BEAM inspired", or "by the BEAM philosophy". Standard BEAM
bots of course get thet kindly abbility to be true BEAM bots. I think we need to
see these seprately and also hav ethe common sense to know the diference. I
think It'd reduce such e-mail opinion explosions! (:
rlike the change of pace, ESPECIALY over a borring long weekend, but as soon as
peple get back to work and school, I think feelings will change!
Just my 3.1415926535898 cents.
Richard Piotter
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