Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00408

Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 23:50:15 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: questions

In a message dated 2/14/99 8:57:34 PM Mountain Standard Time,

> Oops! OK, we're blowing off steam and that's good. Take a deep breath
> and
> let's work it out. It's entirely up to this group to solve these
> problems of accessibility, cost, supply, information. All reasonable
> suggestions are welcome. Keep in mind that there are a number of
> different view points on each subject, use the same creative cooperative
> approach shown in other thought experiments (ie cool, microcore failure
> analysis, BEAM bot sensor strategy and "combot" group behaviour). Be
> persistent, demand the best, and don't take it too seriously! There
> after all many alternatives.
> Q: How can we reduce the BEAM hardware cost?
> A: Creative solutions, adapt consumer goods, dumpster diving,
> competition
> Q: What are some practical BEAM applications I could build?
> A: A "GUARDOGWALKER" to patrol the fence, a ridable size "BICORE CYCLE",
> a 2x6ft "UV shield" photovore head for the beach, a BEAM car direction
> walking LED flasher, BEAM christmas lights, a BEAM head camera mount, a
> solar panel orienting controller for third world appropriate technology
> apps, an AQUAVORE shark alarm, AQUARIUM VORES, BEAM fish lures, etc
> Q: Why BEAM?
> A: Because BEAM is my "METAVORE METAPHOR" - the simplest most elegant
> solution to a problem!
> Q: Could these "practical" applications be done in any other technology?
> A: SURE! and may the best tech win!
> BTW my walker cost was about 1 day and $5 using a RS prototype solder
> board and for the rest surplus parts. The motors are old MAC floppy disk
> ejectors, the legs paper clips, the chips and other parts scrounged from
> old PCBs. In all my years of thought experiments about robots, it was
> the first off the assembly line.
> Here is my gripe: I write a lot of articles, push the BEAM envelop a
> little and this is what I get: the Zoz, dead silence, and some nice
> private comments.
> I would really like to hear some "questions" like: "I don't get it!",
> "could you explain how you use this in a microcore?", "where is the
> PCB?" or at least "wilf your full of ........" (you fill in the
> dots).
> Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
> enjoy
> wilf

Those are DANG good ideas. I think in order to cut down on costs, we have to
try a group buy, so we can get a thousand or so solar cells really cheap...I'm
in if anyone else is intorested.


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