Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00388

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 16:33:52 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Web Page Updates

I've added PCB layouts and schematics for 2 types of H-bridges, and PCB layouts
for some Micrcores and the branched bicore.

The pages have PCBs of the microcore circuits, but the schematic is a broken
link right now. I don't have those done, But I uploaded the page with the html
to save time. Ignore the broken images, since they will be uplooaded tonight or tommorow.

Also, i checed all the pages, and they are there, but for some reason,
seems to me acting up Some sort of lag or something. Maybe it's cause all the
single people (like me) are using this holiday for something useful! (:

It wouldn't suprise me if xoom is just a little overloaded. Basicly, you click a
link, and it waits, and then says the page isn't found, but if you reclick the
link, it'll load the second time. It's very annoying, and probably cause of the
holiday internet traffic. Dang trafic jams! Hey you! Get that byte out of my
way!!! Yeah, I mean YOU! Hehe! (:

Oh yeah, I'll be adding a circuits section, which will have all the Schematics
and PCBs, with parts lists. A Turbot section should be comming within a few
weeks. It'll at least have plans for constructing the mechanics of a turbot.
Later, after I figure everything out and draw up the schems and PCBs, I'll ad
dthe electronics to the turbot section.

More updates will be done as well to existing pages, and then after that, I'd
like to get working on my 5 motor walker, 8 motor Spyder, and 3 motor snake (and
their cooresponding web pages). This will take time, but it'll get here someday.

I'm also going to buy the Lynxmotion Hexapod II kit soon, so I can begin working
on the mechanics of Quadrapod. I hope to have the basic systems for Quadrapod
completed very soon, probably before spring!!! I'm going to go with a simple
binary to decimal decoder to translate the DTMF decoder output into distinct
lines. I'll add video later on, maybe when i have some REAL money. The Hexapod
II kit alone will knock nearly $400 from my account! I've already spent almost
$500 on motors, and then there will probably be about $50-100 in misc parts for
my varios robots.

All robots I build will include detailed schematics, PCB layouts, and other
important information. I'm also going to probably use this as an elective at
college, so I may be writing some long winded repots covering every detail...
And the pivot is held by 1/4 inch nylon spacers, with a hole drilled in the
spacer approximately 3/5ths and 4/5ths the lenth down. Standard .1" diameter
wire was freeformed to a suitable shape for asthetic quality and for lifting
ability. The wire was inserted into the outermost hole in the spacer and looped
around the other hole. A 3/4" #40 screw and 2 nuts hold the loop inthe wire
tightly to the nylon spacer. Hehe! I just described floor monkey's tail end! (:

Richard Piotter

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